The magento-cloud CLI tool allows developers and system administrators to manage Cloud projects and environments, conduct routines, and run automated activities. The magento-cloud CLI expands on the features and functionality of the Project Web Interface. After installing the magento-cloud CLI on your local machine, you can use it to administer your Adobe Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Starter and Pro Integration environments.
To install the magento-cloud CLI tool on your local, please follow this link.
Once you have CLI installed on your local machine, you will have access to all the commands provided by the Magento cloud team for accessing or managing the project from your local machine.
After installing CLI, you can use a command magento-cloud tunnel:single to connect to the dependent app of Magento like Redis, OpenSearch & Database.
You can execute magento-cloud tunnel:single command with multiple variables where you can pass the project code, environment name, etc. Please check the link for more variables.
Once you hit the command, you will be able to see the options above. Select OpenSearch as an option and then it will connect the production OpenSearch app to one of your local ports as below:
After you get the URL like: you can use a Chrome Extension (Multi ElasticSearch Head) to connect to the OpenSearch cluster and see all the available indexes.
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